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Facebook - YouTube - Mobile Apps - Web Design - Search Engine Placement

Facebook For Businesses

Facebook is one of the most popular websites on the Internet. With  250M visitors each month, Facebook is the 3rd-most visited website on the Internet (behind Google). That mean plenty of exposure for your ads.Facebook offers targeted advertising. Facebook allows advertisers to target a specific group of people based on age, personal interests and more. Facebook can even comb through user profiles to place your ads only on pages that mention a specific keyword.You can increase customer loyalty through a Facebook fan page. Countless businesses haveFacebook fan pages that users can join. These pages allow your business to interact directly with your customers so that you can build loyalty and brand image.Offer special promotions through your Facebook fan page. Your fan page can also be used as a platform to promote new products or ad campaigns. Updates on new product launches keep your customers more informed and up-to-date on what products or services you offer.


YouTube Advertising


Video is where your customers spend their time. YouTube alone has more than 4 billion views per day, and it's the second-largest search engine, right after Google (which owns YouTube). 78 percent of people watch at least once a week and 55 percent watch every day. Online video now accounts for 50 percent of all mobile traffic and up to 69 percent of traffic on certain networks, 30-second mobile video ads have an 88.3 percent completion rate. (Rhythm Insights) More than 85 percent of marketers have reported that they plan to increase their mobile advertising budgets in the near future. People take video with them on their phones and watch it because they're interested in a certain topic for product themselves. With mobile video you have the potential to be in people's hands, understanding everything about what you offer, and one click away from their buying your stuff—which is the whole point

Custom Mobile App

It also allows you to exponentially increase revenue from advertisers. By encouraging visitors to engage with, and view, other locations within your app, you will be able to align ads with the most relevant content, significantly increasing the conversion rate of advertisements – which can be a lot of money if the value of a user or lead is high.





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